it is becoming very interesting to share my thoughts with world out there.recently read good books like, the secret,very interesting.we all have similar experiences in our lives which sometimes goes this title came from my efforts in starting a medical tourism site.but today morning while driving i realised,that the tourist number plate that my car bears has a valid reason as we all are tourists here on this earth,hence enjoy the stay ,make good friends ,spread love and the moment u finish sightseeing on earth ,pack ur bags and move back to were we came from,our real home.hence i am a medical (doctor) tourist in india (my temporary place of residence).till now the journey had been interesting,moved places but in India and soon would explore this whole planet and than move back to our father and tell all the stories experienced on earth to father and relish the experiences and remember all my friends and temporary family made on earth.making a phone call from there would be luxury but i would be content with telepathy to talk to my friends and temporary family on earth.

now to begin with the story so far,as far as i remember ,the journey from home(permanent or heaven ,whatever we believe in)i dont remember must be really was formless or a point of light ,very powerful.and than i realise i am a small baby in my mothers arms.easy to visualise than to remember.loving parents i got as my tourist home inn.i had to wear this small body to start my journey here and my father(god)had given this address to start my journey .my caring father had planned my complete trip but did not give the details of the journey.


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